WordCamp US – State of the Word 2015
December 7, 2015Last weekend, the first WordCamp US – the biggest WordCamp ever – was held in Philadelphia and of course Matt Mullenweg gave the annual State of the Word Keynote. He talked about a bunch of things including the upcoming version 4.4 (which brings a lot of interesting stuff like term_meta and support for responsive images using srcset) or changes to how translations for plugins and themes in the repository work and he shared some thoughts about the development Calypso, Automattic’s react-based new interface for WordPress.com as well as self-hosted sites with Jetpack enabled. Also, he announced who the lead developers for versions 4.5 (Mike Schroder), 4.6 (Dominik Schilling) and 4.7 (Matt Mullenweg) will be as well as seven new core committers.
He made it very clear how important he thinks JavaScript is and will be in the future and that we all should take on that challenge and learn JavaScript, deeply.