Michelle Schulp redesigned the WordPress Template Hierarchy to make it easier to use. Based on her design, Rami Abraham already created an HTML Version. I think they both did a very good job and i am sure this will find it’s way into the Codex sooner or later.

As a person with a passion for infographics and simplifying the display of data, I am always looking for ways to make information more clear. The world is filled with an ever-increasing amount of data, but this data is only useful to us if it is usable. A well designed infographic makes even the most complex ideas understandable, but a poorly designed infographic can make simple ideas needlessly confusing. It is this exact usability issue that plagues most infographics today, even within a place I seem to be spending an ever-increasing amount of my time: the WordPress Codex.

Redesigning The WordPress Template Hierarchy – Marktime Media.

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