
January 13, 2015

It’s always a good thing to have a basic starting point at hand when starting with a new project so you don’t have to write the same things over and over again. While there’s plenty of frameworks, starter themes and templates etc. i thought it would be a good idea to have my own little thingy with exactly the things i need, the way i like to write and structure things. So here it is, maybe it’s of any use for you, too.

A starting point to “jumpstart” a project which contains some of the things i wrote over and over again for each project.

Doesn’t contain any styling, html structure or other project-related stuff. Its basically just my preferred document-structure and a pre-configured Gruntfile.js and package.json.

Nothing fancy, but still very useful for new projects.

Check it out on GitHub and feel free to fork, use or do whatever you like to do with it.

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