Joseph Walla on growing revenue from $0 to $1+ mio, twice

June 15, 2015

A great article about growing revenue as a Startup, especially with a SaaS product. He talks about a lot of points that many startups get wrong or struggle with, from being too cheap (or free) to early split-testing, what metrics to use and missed marketing opportunities.

And, above all, how important it is to charge for your product as soon as possible:

Charging is a powerful indicator that you’re building something people want. If you’re not charging, you’re likely spending money (development time = money) building features your users don’t really want. People who pay you have opinions about what to build next. Making them happy will lead to more people like them paying you (with this caveat: Don’t build a Galapagos product)

It’s a very refreshing post which debunks some of the popular truisms about pricing or startup business in general. Worth a read.

43 lessons growing from $0 to $1+ million in revenue, twice

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